Home and Building automation
Home automation solutions
LUXOM is very subtle in your home. The small but pleasant change instantly increase your enjoyment at home. You are free to choose the type of switch or lighting you want. Take for instance the function: 'all lights off' upon leaving your home, together with 'turn down central heating'. You probably won't be able to live without it after day one.
The Luxom BUS system is based on the IP protocol, but has been adapted to the needs of a building.
The BUS cable can be laid wherever you want, with branches wherever you want, which considerably simplifies extensions and changes of the installation. Your Luxom installation can be used creatively with all possible future IP applications.
Below is a summary of some applications and solutions for your home or building
Energy savings
Energy is optimized and only used when wanted.
Passive solar energy optimized with motorised sunblinds.